Choices, Thoughts & Attitudes
Your choices, thoughts and attitudes can derail your efforts to lose weight quickly, especially if they are negative. Therefore, you must understand your trigger points and what derails your diet plans.
Choices, thoughts and attitudes can be improved by stopping and thinking about the choice or thought and planning ahead. Slow down and learn to respond by understanding an action instead of reacting inappropriately to the situation.
Negative Thoughts and What is Going Through Your Head
Negative thoughts are just that, they’re negative and have no place in your life. You can control your thoughts and attitudes by stopping and realizing that negative thoughts are just that-(negative) and negative thoughts hinder your ability to succeed.
If you dwell on negative thoughts, over time you mind will be becomes accustomed to negative thinking and negative thoughts will become routine, which can crowd our positive thoughts. Reprogramming negative thoughts take effort, but it can be done. First you have to recognize the negative thoughts what is going through you mind. Once you recognize your negative thoughts, you will be able to do something about them.
▪ Start by naming at least 5 negative thoughts that you have towards yourself that may be preventing you from losing weight. Example: I failed before; therefore, I can’t lose weight. If you have more than five negative thoughts (which you probably have), keep listing all negative thoughts until you can’t think of anymore. Once you have brought these negative thoughts to your attention, you can start to reprogram them.
Positive Thoughts
A positive mind leads a person to success. Staying positive and upbeat during the weight loss process is critical. Always look for the good in thing and try to make the best choice possible. If you can be conscious of your choices and thoughts, you will make better choices and in no time you new choices will become habits and daily routines. Everything good starts with a positive attitude.
▪ Name five positive thoughts you have towards yourself that will help you stay positive. Example: I want to be healthy for my spouse and children. Again, if you have more that five reasons, write them down.
Trigger Points
It is important to know your trigger points and what sets you off. If you know your trigger points, you will more likely be able to recognize and stop them before they become a problem. Once you identify your trigger points, work towards eliminating them.
▪ Name at least five trigger points that cause you to overheat. This could be boredom, stress, negative thoughts, cravings, sight of food, etc.
▪ Name five unhealthy eating habits that you have. Example: Eating on the go, eating processed food, drinking soda, etc. If you have more that five reasons, keep writing them down.
▪ Do you stop and think about your food choice and the consequences of eating unhealthy food?…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...
▪ Do you stop and ask yourself, if this the best choice or is there a better choice?…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...
▪ Do you stop and think about whether the food you have selected is nourishing?…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...
▪ Are you conscious of your thoughts or do you quickly make the decision and rush on?…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...
▪ Do you stop and think about other food choices that would be just as satisfying but more of a healthier choice? …………………………………………………...…………………………………………………...……………………….
▪ Do you plan your meals ahead of time? …………………………………………………...………………………………………...
▪ Do you have the desire to change? Write down five desires that you have.
▪ Is being overweight keeping you from obtaining your desires? ………………………………………….
▪ What drives you to finish a task? ………………………………………….………………………………………………
▪ Do you put other peoples’ needs ahead of your health?…………………………………………………...………………………………...…………………………………………………...
▪ List your top five priorities. Is losing weight a priority?
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